(Updated April 7, 2020)

As a result of the declaration of a state of health emergency, the procedures have been adapted.

The most important changes in civil matters are presented below. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information on ongoing proceeding at

The general principle is that the procedural deadlines are interrupted or extended for a maximum of 2 months starting one month after the end of the state of health emergency, i.e. until June 24th 2020 (date subject to change). Special rules have been set up for certain deadlines.

Concerning the holding of hearings:

  • Before the Judicial Tribunal of Paris:
    • All hearings scheduled between March 16 and, at the latest, one month after the end of the state of health emergency, are cancelled and postponed to a later date, unknown at this time,
    • The deliberations scheduled to begin on March 17 are extended,
    • No diligence is required of the parties;
    • Concerning more particularly summary proceedings => hearings already scheduled are cancelled sine die and deliberations are extended / only absolute civil emergencies, summary judgements and ex parte orders, are likely to be dealt with after a judge’s authorization.
  • Before the Commercial Court of Paris:
    • Hearings, including insolvency proceedings, are suspended until the end of the lockdown, no automatic date for adjournment having been set yet (new dates will be communicated after the end of the lockdown),
    • Declarations of cessation of payments can be made in a digital form (see the Registry’s website),
    • Exceptionally, certain urgent cases, in particular insolvency proceedings, may be dealt with.
  • The Paris Court of Appeal is closed, except for handling essential litigation (summary proceedings in civil matters relating to urgency, etc.), but elements (declaration of appeal, pieces of evidence, etc.) may still be submitted there.